Antioch has a young and vibrant group of middle school and high school students who are eager to know more about Jesus. Reverend Joshua Summerlin leads this amazing group of young people and helps them to develop deeper relationships with Christ. Joshua has been leading our youth since June of 2013 and does a fantastic job with the students. Youth welcomes children from 6th grade to 12th grade to join. Antioch youth are always doing something, from mission trips to lock-ins to day trips this group is always up for an adventure. Keep a lookout for what this group will be doing next!

For the 2018 summer youth trip, these awesome young kids and chaperones loaded up on the church bus and went to Kentucky.
Many youth joined Joshua and other adults on a mission trip, where they were able to see Niagra Falls in New York. This trip was loads of fun for them and a great experience!

Have more questions about our youth or want to get your child involved? Contact Joshua at jrsummerlin@hotmail.com to get more help. He would love for your child to join the Antioch youth!